Jason Dorsey Addresses Major Workforce Challenges and Opportunities for the Manufacturing Industry

Do you think manufacturing is in trouble or experiencing a rebound? Can both be true at the same time? My frontline answer is below, so read on to find out more!
Growing up in a manufacturing town, I was raised to believe that manufacturing businesses were critically important. In our case, it was the major employer in our small town. The manufacturing company supported local charities, brought tourists to tour the plant and sample the ice cream, and where my friends’ parents worked.
Recently, I gave my first in-person keynote speech of the year. The event was an annual meeting of manufacturing executives, managers, and innovators from across the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.
We talked about the urgent challenge of the changing workforce. The impact of global shifts and structural opportunities. Inflation. Inflation. Inflation. And most important to me: What works now to attract and keep employees in manufacturing jobs?
There was one POV that become clear, there are tremendous opportunities in manufacturing for leaders and teams motivated and able to adapt to generational change, technology trends, and macro realities. However, for those not able or willing to adapt, things are going to continue to get more challenging and frustrating.
Personally, I’ve never been more inspired and excited about the future of manufacturing than I was at this three-day meeting!!!
The path ahead for manufacturing—and any industry—is not easy or without risk, but the opportunity for those who lean on data to innovate with *practical actions* is incredibly exciting. Communities will benefit. Employees will benefit. Families will benefit. We will benefit.
I want to extend a big thank you to my client for bringing me to speak at their event for the third time, for collaborating on a first-of-its-kind national workforce recruiting and retention study, and for the opportunity to learn and grow over the coming twelve months as we implement the discoveries and solutions across their businesses.
And a big thank you to each of you for being on this journey of speaking, researching, learning, and innovating with me. I’m grateful to you and incredibly excited about speaking at an event for you in 2023.