About The Center for Generational Kinetics

The Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK) is dedicated to discovering new insights and solutions that drive measurable results for leaders.

CGK’s P.h.D-led research team separates myth from truth through original research. We have worked with over 700 clients.

CGK is a trusted research partner and advisor to CEOs, corporate boards, global brands, trade associations, institutional investors, non-profits, and the media. We love sharing our discoveries and solutions.

Can you tell us about The Center for Generational Kinetics?

Absolutely! The Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK) is a leader in generational and behavioral research, strategy, and solutions. CGK leads statistically-accurate research for clients (and ourselves!) around the world. This ranges from global quantitative studies for the biggest brands in the world to unique research that informs a company’s product roadmap and institutional investor decisions. What makes CGK different is our unique Generational Context™ approach and commitment to specific, measurable solutions that our clients can put into use right away.

CGK studies all four generations as part of our behavioral and trends research:

  • Boomers: 1946–1964
  • Gen X: 1965–1976
  • Millennials: 1977–1995
  • Gen Z: 1996–2015

We study each generation as customers, employees, and trendsetters. Our client work is all custom research, so every project is designed specifically to solve a client’s exact generational challenge or opportunity. We are experts in adapting to each client’s frontline realities and priority constraints, such as working in highly-regulated industries including financial services and healthcare..

In a given week, CGK might be working with:

  • Global Automakers

  • Financial Institutions

  • Insurance Companies

  • Hospital Systems

  • Retailers

  • Technology Companies

  • Consumer Brands

  • And many more!

Do you lead CGK? (Not the answer you’re expecting)

I am asked this question a lot—except by our employees!

CGK is led by our CEO and co-founder, Dr. Denise Villa. Dr. Villa brings a powerful research-driven perspective and bold vision to CGK’s services and solutions. She is the first in her family to graduate from college. She then went on to get her master’s and doctorate degrees. Dr. Villa was previously a science teacher and administrator for middle schools and a high school. Her perspective, education, and experience are hugely valuable as our research team studies Gen Z and Millennials in the context of other generations. We are proud that CGK is a majority woman- and minority-owned business.

What are three fun facts or cool things about CGK?

  • CGK has led over 120 research studies spanning four continents encompassing multiple different languages.
  • CGK’s latest best-selling book, Zconomy, has been translated into 7 different languages, was ranked as a Top 10 Business Book of the Year by Forbes.com, and was a #1 New Release on Amazon
  • CGK has the longest-running annual study on Gen Z stemming from 2016 to our current 2023 edition with many more to come. Check it out below:

The State of Gen Z 2023, Our New Discoveries

How can we contact CGK for more information?

Contact our friendly office at +1 (512) 259-6877 or [email protected]

You can also visit CGK’s website at GenHQ.com.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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