Top Gen Z Questions Answered!

Check out our Q&A below to learn more about Gen Z

This page provides characteristics, data, and insights about Generation Z, the fastest-growing generation in the workforce. Gen Z are key influencers of consumer behaviors and—as Jason Dorsey often says, “a preview of trends to come.”

Understanding Gen Z as employees, customers, and trendsetters is urgent for leaders. This page answers FAQs about Gen Z.

About Gen Z's Emergence —

This huge, diverse generation is the fastest growing group of employees, customers, and voters. Gen Z also thinks and acts VERY different than their Millennial predecessors. In fact, Gen Z states that “they don’t want to end up like Millennials.”

Gen Z is already the most influential group of technology trendsetters. They offer an accurate glimpse into the future of communication, banking, shopping, learning, voting, working, investing, and much more.

Gen Z’s emergence is challenging managers, employers, salespeople, marketers, companies, and even their own parents (who are Generation X and Millennials). Read below to learn more about this up-and-coming generation!

Intro to Gen Z —

What is the correct name for this generation?

There is much debate about what to call the generation born after Millennials. At The Center for Generational Kinetics (The Center), my Ph.D. research team and I refer to this emerging generation as Generation Z—or Gen Z for short.

However, we believe that “Gen Z” may not be the generation’s final name. Another name may eventually emerge that better represents this generation, something based on their unique characteristics, a shared global event, or another transformative trend that emerges as they do.

When you look at other generational names, such as Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers, each name emerged when the generation, on average, was older than Gen Z is currently.

It’s important to note that in our research around the world, different geographic regions already use different names to refer to Gen Z. In addition to the geographic name game, some people also refer to Gen Z as “teens”, “tweens”, or “adolescents.” This is not accurate. The terms teens, tweens, and adolescents do not refer to the generation as a whole, but rather a specific life stage and specific age group.

Yes, members of Gen Z can be teens, tweens, and adolescents, but they can also be classified as kids (on the youngest end) and college-age adults on the older end of the Gen Z age range.

Read more about Gen Z in our State of Gen Z annual research report.

What are the correct birth years for Gen Z?

Much like agreeing on a name, the birth years for Gen Z are also hotly contested. At The Center, we lead cross-generational research around the world that compares Gen Z with other generations, including Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers. This allows us to see where generational differences emerge in everything from communication and employment to voting, influencers, and shopping, as well as to determine accurate birth years.

The birth years we use for Gen Z in North America are approximately 1996 to 2015. One of our research center’s most important discoveries was recognizing that the Millennial generation in the U.S. ends in 1995 and not 2000—as many firms originally stated.

We based this generational discovery (Millennials end around 1995 and Gen Z starts around 1996) on the most important event of the North American Millennial generation: Sept 11, 2001. For those born between 1996 and 2000 to remember 9/11 and have a strong, life-changing emotional connection to the event that shifted their worldview is not likely.

In other words, for Gen Z, the events of 9/11 have always been history, something they learned about in school or they watched on YouTube. Most of the other demographic research firms have now changed their starting birth year for Gen Z to match The Center’s finding.

Where the Gen Z birth years end, however, is another debate. The reason the end date is uncertain is that the youngest members of Gen Z are too young to study in a national or international quantitative study (they’re still under 10 years old). We won’t accurately know where Gen Z ends until they get older and we see the differences between them and the generation after them.

Currently, we estimate that Gen Z birth years end somewhere around 2015, but we won’t know for sure for several more years.

Here is the key point to remember: Gen Z was born from about 1996 to approximately 2015, but the latter year could shift as the generation emerges and we lead more studies for accurate data.

Who are Gen Z’s parents?

Gen Z’s parents are mainly Generation X and older Millennials, both of whom are raising their kids very differently than Baby Boomers raised theirs. Parenting is a major driver of future beliefs, behaviors, and worldviews, and it influences everything from attitudes about work and education to debt and saving.

At The Center, we frequently study the relationship between Gen Z and their parents—both Millennials and Gen X—to understand how they are being raised and how their parents are shaping their entry into adulthood. Our national studies on this topic are really exciting!

Is Gen Z really different from Millennials?

Yes! Our research reveals that Gen Z is proving to be very different from Millennials in many key areas. Our national and international research shows Gen Z is different from Millennials in how they approach saving, spending, debt, shopping, communicating, socializing, investing, technology, privacy, and the workplace. Click here to check out some of our studies to see for yourself.

It’s important that senior leaders don’t view Gen Z as a continuation or more extreme example of Millennials, such as “Millennials 2.0,” because they absolutely are not. Gen Z is a whole new generation, bringing a whole new set of expectations, demands, and tremendous opportunities.

We believe Gen Z’s differences from Millennials create a compelling, time-sensitive opportunity that brands and employers can take advantage of to win the next generation—as long as their strategies and actions are based on accurate data. The problem is that so much of what is said about Gen Z is plucked from clickbait headlines, not grounded in data.

At our research center, we lead our own original studies around the world—on topics such as how Gen Z views the future of the web—and we also analyze our clients’ internal data. This combination provides us with powerful insights and solutions for understanding and unlocking the potential of Gen Z that are not available anywhere else. This is true for everything from attracting Gen Z as customers and influencers to hiring them and unlocking their potential in the workforce.

Our team of Ph.D. researchers is constantly studying Gen Z and I love sharing the findings in my speeches, research, and consulting!

Gen Z and Their Impact —

Is Gen Z in the workforce now?


Gen Z is already in the workforce in numerous industries around the world. Certain industries are attracting more Gen Z workers —due to Gen Z’s age, formal education, etc.—but every industry will see an increase in Gen Z employees over the next three years as the oldest members of this generation are already 22.

We lead numerous studies about Gen Z in the workforce, including comparing them to Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers in each step of the employee life cycle and during key workforce interactions. It’s exciting to discover what works best for attracting, retaining, and developing Gen Z as employees and leaders within a multigenerational workforce.

How are Gen Z consumers affecting brands?

Gen Z is exerting tremendous pressure on brands, from legacy brands to startups. Gen Z engages with marketing differently than any other generation, this includes the messaging as well as the channels and platforms brands use to deliver their message.

Gen Z has also come of age with more marketplace options than any generation in history, including Millennials. As such, Gen Z has an ingrained expectation that everything they view online or purchase will be personalized and delivered to them immediately.

Additionally, they expect increased transparency about a company’s workplace, social commitment, environmental impact, and supply chain—and they want it in the form of easy-to-understand videos, visuals, stories, text, and music because that’s what resonates most with this generation.

Gen Z also wants more value for their money. I talk about this and the reason why in all of my Gen Z consumer presentations. This value-based mindset appears repeatedly in our studies.

Furthermore, Gen Z is heavily influenced by online influencers who may not have a formal background in a topic but have amassed a large social following and drive deep engagement. Basically, Gen Z has been conditioned to expect extreme customization, immediate deliveries, and on-demand services. This generation is known to skip traditional indoor malls, rely on Venmo to send money, and even go to YouTube to discover music!

Gen Z is challenging every aspect of a brand, from its core message to visuals, channels, payment options, and loyalty offers. It’s a VERY exciting time for our research center because we get to investigate how Gen Z shops, buys, and influences so many massive industries, such as banking, travel, automotive, financial services, food, and many more.

What aspects of business is Gen Z already impacting?

Gen Z is already upending established industries, from retail, banking, and media to restaurants and transportation. As true digital natives, Gen Z has always had access to transformative business models like Uber, or on-demand services like Netflix, GrubHub, and Venmo, each of which creates a new expectation for “normal” within the generation. In addition, Gen Z is finding and sharing brands differently than other generations, which will eventually impact entire industries.

In the workforce, Gen Z is already influencing employee recruiting, on-the-job training, communication, and collaboration, as well as expectations about diversity and inclusion.

When we work with clients, whether it’s keynote speaking about Gen Z as employees, custom research on how to sell to them, or consulting on strategies for marketing to them, we pinpoint the exact ways Gen Z affects their business—now and in the near future. We also look at the “why” behind this impact so that clients know exactly what actions they should take first, second, and third.

Click here to read our State of Gen Z Report.

What surprising Gen Z fact has your research revealed?

Everyone who has heard me speak about Gen Z knows the answer, but if you haven’t, here it is: We predict that some members of Gen Z could leapfrog Millennials in the workforce. That’s right. Gen Z has a different view of work and risk and employment expectations that is going to be a huge deal for themselves, Millennials—and especially employers.

In my keynote speech on Gen Z in the workforce, I share why they could leapfrog some Millennials and what it means to our shared future as colleagues in the workplace. Long-term, it’s a big deal and leaders need to know why.

Jason Dorsey & CGK on Gen Z —

What type of Gen Z research do you lead?

We lead all kinds of Gen Z quantitative research, qualitative research, and behavioral design studies, including shop-alongs to observe how they make purchasing decisions. We field questionnaires to explore how and why they use their phone for key tasks, and host one-on-one discussions and small groups talks every month to discuss their life and what shapes it.

We’ve led studies on Gen Z and mental health, the future of the web, employment, and what they think about other generations. At any given time, we’re leading 10 to 15 studies that include Gen Z. And we work with approximately 180 clients per year, from keynote speaking to marketing and brand consulting.

How can I get access to your latest research on Gen Z?

Sign up for my newsletter! I send out email updates with new Gen Z discoveries from The Center every month. You can also download our State of Gen Z research.

If you’d like a personalized view of Gen Z and how they’ll impact your organization or industry, request a little info here.

Why bring in Jason as a Gen Z keynote speaker now?

Many companies waited far too long to adapt to win Millennials as customers and employees. These companies thought Millennials would “grow out of it” or end up falling in line like previous generations.

It didn’t happen.

Instead, numerous companies went out of business and tens of thousands of people—if not many more—lost their jobs. This could have been avoided if leaders had stepped back and taken the time to understand Millennials and adapt ahead of the curve rather than react when it was already too late. We don’t want this to happen again to anyone.

Gen Z will have an even greater impact than Millennials.  In fact, they’re already influencing other generations due to their use of technology and social media. They’re coming onto the scene with a whole new set of communication skills, specific expectations, and a very different view of the world that will lead to brand-new trends.

Bringing in a Gen Z keynote speaker, who leads primary research around the world, gives executives, managers, and leaders specific research-based insights and strategies they need to win Gen Z at this incredibly important time.

Want More on Gen Z?

At The Center for Generational Kinetics, we have Ph.D. researchers, consultants, a behavioral designer, and many more who work alongside me to understand Gen Z from a variety of angles. We look at Gen Z in the workplace as employees, managers, influencers, and entrepreneurs. We also look at Gen Z as consumers, tastemakers, and trendsetters—especially because of the hidden trends they spark.

Visit The Center’s website to see more of our Gen Z research.

Learn More

Do You Have a Question about Gen Z?

I often answer reader-submitted questions in my newsletter with over 40,000 subscribers! I’m inspired by your interest in Gen Z and my mission to separate myth from truth through data.

Please reach out to me if you’d like me to speak at an event or talk about leading custom research that shows you how to unlock the potential of this generation.

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