My First 9-Minute National News TV Interview! We Hit ALL the Hot Button Topics, Including Gen Z, Money, and More.

Yesssss!!! My first 9-minute national TV interview!! Check it out! We hit ALL the HOT button topics: Gen Z, consumer debt, inflation, universal basic income, credit cards, retirement, and much more. This is one of the most in-depth, surprising interviews I’ve ever done. The questions were fantastic. Please watch it and share it with your team (and family)!
Here are some of the key points I covered in the high-energy interview:
- Why Gen Z is spending more now
- Growing credit card balances
- Impact of inflation on saving and mindset
- Universal Basic Income and Gen Z
- Retirement planning—or not
- And much more!
Why did I do this interview now? At our research center, CGK, we’re seeing rapidly changing dynamics (and collisions) when it comes to different generations and their money, spending, view of government, employment, home buying, and planning for the future.
Gen Z is very misunderstood. Leaders, marketers, communities, and parents(!) need data-driven insights into this important generation that is now the fastest-growing generation in the workforce and of consumers.
If a business wants to have a strong foundation for years of growth, it’s essential they understand Gen Z now and effectively engage this generation within a multigenerational environment. The key is to understand Gen Z and then decide how to best lead, communicate, and connect with them alongside two, three, or even four other generations at the same time.
This interview is filled with several discoveries from CGK’s annual State of Gen Z research study, and my experience working with over 700 brands and organizations to understand and engage different generations of customers, clients, and global trendsetters.
Please watch the video and share it with your team.
If you enjoyed this video, you’ll love our latest 29-page State of Gen Z research report. You can download it for free here.
You can also download the first two chapters from our bestselling book on Gen Z, Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business. This book has more than 50 strategies to engage Gen Z now. Download your free chapters here.
Thank you for being on this journey of discovery, problem-solving, and inspiration with me! I’m excited for you to watch the interview and share it with your team.