Featured on CBS National News Discussing Gen Z Quitting Their Jobs and Sharing it on TikTok!

Exciting news!!!! I was on CBS National News in a hot debate about Gen Z quitting their jobs and sharing it on TikTok! What do you think about this trend?? My thoughts below:
Have you heard about the trend of Gen Z quitting their jobs—or being let go—, filming the experience on their cell phones, and then sharing it on TikTok?!?! Why is this happening? What do leaders (and parents) need to know? In the interview, I explained:
– Why in the world is this happening (it’s not what the TV anchors thought!)
– Is this trend going to continue?
– What are the potential consequences, if any, for Gen Z who film themselves quitting their jobs and post it online?
– What do employers need to know?
This interview topic might have some people scratching their heads, but there are behavioral reasons behind why Gen Z is doing this, and how filming this experience fits within what they might consider normal (or even engaging) content for TikTok and other social media platforms.
In fact, it is often second nature for Gen Z to film many of their life highs and lows—layoffs and breakups included—and share these experiences on social media. However, there might be a deeper reason they are filming these experiences… which I dive into during the segment!
Watch the interview to see my take on what might be the most important reason why younger generations are engaging in this trend!
If this type of generational insight intrigues you, please download our latest State of Gen Z research study. It’s free on CGK’s website. You’ll find many unexpected discoveries about Gen Z’s views and expectations including what they want from leaders, as consumers, and their perspective on life and their future.
If you follow my research and speaking, you know I believe EVERY generation is valuable and the better we understand each generation, the better we can unlock the potential, gifts, and perspective we all bring to the world!