Best Practices for Hiring Gen Z and Millennials

“What are your favorite tips for getting Gen Z job applicants?”

Watch my short video to learn what works.  

The first strategy is to create or host your job application in a way that people can save their application as they work through it.

Why is this important?

Our research shows many members of Gen Z—and even Millennials—won’t start a job application online unless they know they can save their progress.

Many times, people don’t have all the information they need to complete the application when they start it. Being able to save it means not only are they more likely to start the application, but they are more likely to go back and complete it if they didn’t finish.

And if they have to set up an account to start the application, but don’t finish, you have their email, so you can re-market to them and ask them to complete it. This is especially important in a tight labor market.

This is just one simple strategy for driving more applications. I will be sharing more strategies in the coming months so stay tuned!

How can I help you solve your Gen Z challenge?

I’m inspired by your interest in Gen Z and my mission to separate generational myth from truth through data. Please reach out to me if you’d like me to speak at an event or talk about leading custom research that shows you how to unlock the potential of this generation.

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