Speaking to 500 Leaders Across Asia!

One of the things I love most about virtual events is being able to speak to and answer questions directly from leaders around the world in real-time. A recent virtual event was a highlight for me because I was able to reach leaders across Asia, and 500 of them received copies of my new book, Zconomy!! This was exciting for me because I love working in Asia.
The attendees for this corporate event were leaders at one of the biggest global brands across Singapore, China, Japan, and South Korea. I was supposed to deliver this program in-person—as a follow-up to my in-person program in Singapore last year—but the pandemic forced all of us to innovate, and the outcome was fantastic! In fact, we reached way more people through the virtual event than we could have in-person in Singapore.
This particular client is super interesting to me because they are data-driven, passionate about emerging consumer trends, and love trying new things to reach the next generation of consumers. Their business involves traditional retail in malls, a rapidly growing eCommerce business, and a large business for global travelers. With so many dimensions to their business, you can imagine how insightful the questions from the leaders were after my presentation!
Key areas I talked about were:
- New insights into Gen Z in Asia, including digital media, shopping, and payment preferences
- Unexpected trends that have emerged from the pandemic and what they mean in Asia
- Specific strategies to build trust, communication, and grow sales across different generations of sales professionals
I loved sharing these insights and strategies specific to that region of the world—and what works now that didn’t work pre-pandemic.
This was the third event I keynoted for this multinational CPG company, and every event I do with them gets larger. Even though I couldn’t be there in-person this year, the conversation, Q&A, and energy were fantastic. I know I finished the program fired up!
The company also bought 500 copies of my new bestselling book, Zconomy, for all of their leaders. Seeing their team open the boxes and distribute the books was incredibly exciting for me—especially after researching and writing the book for two years. In fact, I have a copy of the Zconomy book translated into Korean in my office.
Growing up in rural Texas, I never dreamed I’d be presenting to leaders across Asia, let alone 500 of them reading a book I wrote as part of their business growth and innovation strategy.
I am so inspired to be on this journey, sharing insights, discoveries, and strategies around the world. Thank you for being on this journey with me.
If you’d like to learn more about Gen Z and what we’re discovering about this exciting generation in our research and advising, check out CGK’s annual State of Gen Z® study series. The complete findings reports are free and available for download directly from CGK’s website. https://bit.ly/3tojIYT
And if you want to unlock the potential of Generation Z as trendsetters, employees, and customers, check out my new book, Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business. The book was a Top 10 Business Book on Forbes! You can read more about it at Zconomy.com.