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Ongoing research into Gen Z as employees, customers, and trendsetters

  • State of Gen Z 2016 Study Cover - Tech Disruption

    State of Gen Z 2016 Study Cover - Political & Civil Outlook

    THE STATE OF GEN Z®: 2016

    Who is Generation Z? Also known as Gen Z or iGen, this brand-new generation is bringing a tidal wave of change as communicators, influencers, tech users, employees, and consumers. This impending tsunami of generational change led The Center for Generational Kinetics to launch its State of Gen Z® annual research study series. The Center’s research team wanted to explore and reveal Gen Z’s mindset and behaviors from multiple angles to inform business strategy, leadership decisions, deliver statistically-valid news insights, and provide actionable data at an incredibly important time in Gen Z’s emergence.

    In the first annual State of Gen Z® research study, The Center’s team focused on important generational mindset areas including Gen Z and their relationship with technology, how Gen Z is different from Millennials, and Gen Z’s views about politics. The dependence on technology that was uncovered, including its direct impact on Gen Z self-worth, led to significant conversations around the world. In addition, uncovering Gen Z’s emerging political viewpoints and who they trust as leaders helps to highlight the views of the generation as they are now able to vote in elections.

    There were so many great findings in the inaugural State of Gen Z® study, that we made it into two different white papers!

    A few of the many surprising Gen Z findings:

    • 42% of Gen Z say social media affects how they feel about themselves
    • 50% of Gen Z would use their phone to look for a better price while they were physically shopping at a retail store
    • 23% of Gen Z feel the U.S is headed in the right direction while 38% feel that it’s not headed in the right direction
    • And much more—especially several unexpected insights about Gen Z and technology
    Click Here to download the detailed white papers and infographics!
  • State of Gen Z 2021-2022 study cover



    The State of Gen Z® 2023 research report delves deep into understanding the perspectives of Generation Z, covering their expectations from today’s leaders, their views on employment, insights into their consumer behaviors, and their thoughts on the key influences shaping their lives. Accurately understanding Gen Z is paramount, as they constitute the fastest-growing generation in the workforce and wield significant influence as consumer trendsetters. They are rapidly impacting businesses, organizations, communities, and leaders worldwide. The State of Gen Z® 2023 study offers precise data, valuable insights, and groundbreaking discoveries, equipping leaders at all levels with the knowledge they need to understand, connect with, and unleash the full potential of this immensely significant generation during a critical phase of their emergence.

    The State of Gen Z® 2023 study involved 1,027 Gen Z participants aged 18 to 26. The sample is weighted the sample to align with the 2020 U.S. Census in terms of age, gender, geography, and ethnicity. The study has a margin of error of +/-3.06%.


    • What are the current expectations of Gen Z from leaders?
    • What factors drive Gen Z’s spending behaviors, shape their attitudes, and influence their choices?
    • How does Gen Z perceive money, savings, and retirement?
    • What factors have the most significant impact on Gen Z’s mindset and life perspective?
    • And numerous other must-know questions!
  • State of Gen Z 2021-2022 Study Cover - Gen Z as Employees and Workforce Trendsetters

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2021-2022: Gen Z as Employees and Workforce Trendsetters

    Key Discoveries into the Fastest-Growing Generation of Employees in the Workforce

    This 2021-2022 State of Gen Z® research study reveals how Gen Z employees are looking for jobs, considering careers, and navigating their entry into the workforce. Understanding the generation during this incredibly challenging labor market has never been more important or urgent. The insights in this report answer so many questions managers, leaders, and HR professionals have but can’t find answered anywhere else.

    Sample questions answered in this State of Gen Z® workforce study:

    • What job characteristics are most important to recruit Gen Z?
    • What job characteristics are most important to retain Gen Z?
    • How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted Gen Z’s views on their career?
    • What employer social causes will most get Gen Z to apply for a job?
    • And much more!
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z as employees and workforce trendsetters now.
  • State of Gen Z as Consumers, Savers, and Influencing Personal Finance cover 2021-2022

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2021-2022: Gen Z as Consumers, Savers, and Influencing Personal Finance

    Unexpected Insights into Gen Z as they Emerge as THE Consumer and Finance Trendsetters

    This 2021-2022 State of Gen Z® research study uncovers how Gen Z views money, personal finance, shopping, buying, saving, spending, investing, and much more. Gen Z brings a different view and norms to the world of commerce, so understanding them accurately is critical for brands, marketers, financial services, banks, and customer experience leaders. The discoveries in this report reveal a new perspective on Gen Z’s views about money and its intersection with so many key areas of their life, from spending to saving for retirement.

    Sample questions answered in this State of Gen Z® money and consumer study:

    • What are Gen Z’s expectations for earning money now?
    • What are Gen Z’s expectations for saving money now?
    • What are Gen Z’s expectations for shopping and buying now?
    • What are Gen Z’s key considerations when making a purchase now?
    • And much more!
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z as consumers, savers, and financial influencers now.
  • Gen Z as trendsetters impacting the future of all generations study cover 2021-2022

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2021-2022: Gen Z as Trendsetters Impacting the Future of All Generations

    Gen Z’s Must-Know Emerging Trends and Attitude About the Future

    This 2021-2022 State of Gen Z® research study dives into Gen Z’s views about the future that are shaping their actions in the present. This includes how Gen Z views the impact of the pandemic, thoughts about the role of government in financially supporting citizens, and how different experiences have shaped Gen Z differently than other generations. The findings in this report showcase a deeper perspective into Gen Z’s views about the future and their place in it, including the connection between the events of today.

    Sample questions answered in this State of Gen Z® as Trendsetters Shaping the Future study:

    • What is the order of experiences that have most shaped Gen Z?
    • How does Gen Z think the pandemic will shape their future?
    • What are Gen Z’s thoughts on the role of government today?
    • What emerging trends are impacting Gen Z in the present?
    • And much more!
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z as trendsetters shaping the future now.
  • State of Gen Z 2020 study cover - Gen Z as Consumers, Influencers, and Trendsetters

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2020: Gen Z as Consumers, Influencers, and Trendsetters

    Gen Z Becomes the Most Important Generation of Consumers

    This 2020 State of Gen Z® research study dives into Gen Z’s attitudes, beliefs, and habits toward spending, shopping, saving, influencing, and more. The study included over 1,000 members over Gen Z and compared them to 1,000 Millennials. The discoveries are especially important for business and leaders, sales and marketing executives, as well as entrepreneurs and product innovators.

    Sample questions answered in this State of Gen Z® consumer study:

    • How does Gen Z learn about new brands?
    • What makes Gen Z loyal to a brand?
    • How does Gen Z feel about brands that support social causes?
    • What does Gen Z want in an online buying experience?
    • How has COVID-19 affected Gen Z financially?
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z as consumers now.
  • State of Gen Z 2020 study cover - Gen Z as Employees and Emerging Leaders

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2020: Gen Z as Employees and Emerging Leaders

    Gen Z Becomes the Fastest Growing Generation of Employees

    This 2020 State of Gen Z® research study dives into Gen Z’s attitudes, beliefs, and habits toward work, career, and as emerging leaders. The study included over 1,000 members over Gen Z and compared them to 1,000 Millennials. The discoveries are especially important for managers, HR leaders, workforce, and Chief People Officers, as well as employers globally.

    Sample questions answered in this State of Gen Z® employment study:

    • What most attracts Gen Z to a new job?
    • Where does Gen Z look for jobs?
    • What workplace benefits does Gen Z want?
    • How soon does Gen Z expect to get a raise?
    • What makes Gen Z stay at a job?
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z as employees now.
  • State of Gen Z 2019 Study cover - The Impact of COVID-19 and Gen Z Looking Ahead

    THE STATE OF GEN Z® 2020: The Impact of COVID-19 and Gen Z Looking Ahead

    The Impact of the COVID-19 on Gen Z and How the Pandemic Has Changed their Views About the Future

    This 2020 State of Gen Z® research study uncovers the hidden and unexpected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Generation Z (ages 13 to 24) at this formative time in their coming of age experience. The study specifically looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts Gen Z and their views in key areas such as leadership and living with their parents to wellbeing and how the pandemic has shaped their beliefs about the future of work, education, and much more. The study features more than 50 Gen Z COVID-19 research discoveries.

    Sample areas explored in this State of Gen Z® COVID-19 study:

    • Gen Z’s confidence in leadership during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s attitude about living with their parents during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s digital trends during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s views on health and wellbeing during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s attitude toward education and career during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s beliefs about government, politics, and the media during COVID-19
    • Gen Z’s perspective on the future
    Click Here to download your report on Gen Z and COVID-19 now.
  • State of Gen Z 2019-2020 study cover

    THE STATE OF GEN Z®: 2019

    A New Generation Emerges—and Brings Tremendous Change

    This national study builds on more than 65 generational studies we’ve led on four continents. Our work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets and our speaking, consulting, and research clients include many of the biggest brands and employers in the world.

    In this year’s study, we included 1,000 members of Gen Z (ages 13 to 23) as well as 1,000 Millennials for comparison. We are seeing dramatic differences between these two generations as they impact businesses, industries, countries, and emerging trends. Complete the short form on this page to instantly access the entire State of Gen Z® 2019 Research Report.

    A few of the many surprising findings in the study:

    • 95% of Gen Z are on a social media app or website at least once a week, and 1/3 of Gen Z say they spend most of their time outside of work or school on social media. .
    • 48% of Gen Z gamers think their gaming skills will help them later in life.
    • 46% of Gen Z have not bought something they really wanted because the website was too hard to use.
    • There are many more exciting findings in this year’s State of Gen Z® 2019 for leaders, marketers, journalists, and parents.
    Click Here to download the State of Gen Z® 2019 White Paper Report now!
  • State of Gen Z 2019 Study Cover

    THE STATE OF GEN Z: 2018

    The State of Gen Z® 2018 took a deep dive into key Gen Z trends and themes critical to know about the generation as they emerge as employees, customers, and trendsetters. This includes looking at Gen Z and their views about brands and brand engagement, technology reliance and expectations, marketing, social media, employment, and much more.

    This white paper report provides missing data insights for journalists, brand leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to understand how Gen Z views the world at this critical time in their emergence. There were many, many surprising findings in the 2018 study!

    A few of the many surprising findings in the study:

    • Gen Z is heavily impacted by online influencers. 45% of Gen Z follows more than 10 online influencers. More than 1 in 10 members of Gen Z follow more than 50 online influencers!
    • Gen Z can’t put their phone away—even to sleep. 29% of Gen Z are on their smartphones after midnight every night of the week! This is significantly more than Millennials.
    • Gen Z needs more frequent feedback while working than Millennials. In fact, 66% of Gen Z needs feedback from their supervisor at least every few weeks in order to stay at a job.
    • And there is so much more in the white paper!
    Click Here to download the State of Gen Z® 2018 White Paper Report now!
  • State of Gen Z 2017 Study Cover

    THE STATE OF GEN Z®: 2017

    The State of Gen Z™ 2017 built upon the tremendous response to The Center’s original State of Gen Z® inaugural study. In 2017, The Center’s research team focused on how Gen Z, aka iGen, thinks about money, earning money, savings, debt, spending, and retirement. The study also compared Gen Z to Millennials in each of these areas and found some important differences.

    The State of Gen Z® 2017 is ideal for business leaders, marketers, parents, employers, and educators to know as Gen Z takes the place of Millennials as emerging adults and impacts our economy and our world.

    In the State of Gen Z® 2017, you will find lots of unexpected insights, including The Center’s groundbreaking research that Gen Z appears to be a throwback generation! We uncovered that Gen Z are fiscally conservative, seeking to get more utility and value from their purchases, and thinking about as well as taking action on saving for retirement. The findings were very unexpected and sparked a global conversation about what Gen Z’s emergence will mean to employers, marketers, banks, financial services, families, and our shared future.

    A few of the many surprising Gen Z findings:

    • Gen Z is fiscally conservative and already thinking about retirement! In fact, 12% of Gen Z are already saving for retirement and 21% of Gen Z had a savings account before the age of ten!
    • Gen Z earns their own money rather than just receiving it as a gift. The State of Gen Z® 2017 found that 77% of Gen Z earn their own spending money through freelance work, a part-time job, or earned an allowance.
    • Gen Z has an unexpected view of advertisements that directly impacts their trustworthiness. One surprising stat: Gen Z trusts YouTube ads more than any other source!
    • And many, many more exciting findings about Gen Z and money in the white paper.
    Click Here to download the 30-page white paper and infographics now!
  • State of Gen Z 2016 Study Cover - Tech Disruption

    State of Gen Z 2016 Study Cover - Political & Civil Outlook

    THE STATE OF GEN Z®: 2016

    Who is Generation Z? Also known as Gen Z or iGen, this brand-new generation is bringing a tidal wave of change as communicators, influencers, tech users, employees, and consumers. This impending tsunami of generational change led The Center for Generational Kinetics to launch its State of Gen Z® annual research study series. The Center’s research team wanted to explore and reveal Gen Z’s mindset and behaviors from multiple angles to inform business strategy, leadership decisions, deliver statistically-valid news insights, and provide actionable data at an incredibly important time in Gen Z’s emergence.

    In the first annual State of Gen Z® research study, The Center’s team focused on important generational mindset areas including Gen Z and their relationship with technology, how Gen Z is different from Millennials, and Gen Z’s views about politics. The dependence on technology that was uncovered, including its direct impact on Gen Z self-worth, led to significant conversations around the world. In addition, uncovering Gen Z’s emerging political viewpoints and who they trust as leaders helps to highlight the views of the generation as they are now able to vote in elections.

    There were so many great findings in the inaugural State of Gen Z® study, that we made it into two different white papers!

    A few of the many surprising Gen Z findings:

    • 42% of Gen Z say social media affects how they feel about themselves
    • 50% of Gen Z would use their phone to look for a better price while they were physically shopping at a retail store
    • 23% of Gen Z feel the U.S is headed in the right direction while 38% feel that it’s not headed in the right direction
    • And much more—especially several unexpected insights about Gen Z and technology
    Click Here to download the detailed white papers and infographics!
  • State of Gen Z 2021-2022 study cover



    The State of Gen Z® 2023 research report delves deep into understanding the perspectives of Generation Z, covering their expectations from today’s leaders, their views on employment, insights into their consumer behaviors, and their thoughts on the key influences shaping their lives. Accurately understanding Gen Z is paramount, as they constitute the fastest-growing generation in the workforce and wield significant influence as consumer trendsetters. They are rapidly impacting businesses, organizations, communities, and leaders worldwide. The State of Gen Z® 2023 study offers precise data, valuable insights, and groundbreaking discoveries, equipping leaders at all levels with the knowledge they need to understand, connect with, and unleash the full potential of this immensely significant generation during a critical phase of their emergence.

    The State of Gen Z® 2023 study involved 1,027 Gen Z participants aged 18 to 26. The sample is weighted the sample to align with the 2020 U.S. Census in terms of age, gender, geography, and ethnicity. The study has a margin of error of +/-3.06%.


    • What are the current expectations of Gen Z from leaders?
    • What factors drive Gen Z’s spending behaviors, shape their attitudes, and influence their choices?
    • How does Gen Z perceive money, savings, and retirement?
    • What factors have the most significant impact on Gen Z’s mindset and life perspective?
    • And numerous other must-know questions!

Want More on Gen Z?

At The Center for Generational Kinetics, we are passionate about understanding Gen Z from a variety of angles based on our original research and data. We look at Gen Z in the workplace as employees, managers, influencers, and entrepreneurs. We also look at Gen Z as consumers, tastemakers, and trendsetters—especially because of the hidden trends they spark.

Visit CGK’s website to see more of our Gen Z research.

Learn More About CGK

Do You Have a Question about Gen Z?

I often answer reader-submitted questions in my newsletter with over 40,000 subscribers! I’m inspired by your interest in Gen Z and my mission to separate myth from truth through data.

Please reach out to me if you’d like me to speak at an event or talk about leading custom research that shows you how to unlock the potential of this generation.

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