Top 3 Things to Tell Managers To Solve the Generational Challenge

“What are the top three things that you would tell leaders to solve the generational challenge in the workplace?”
I just did a media interview and this was their key question. I thought it was a great question, so I wanted to share the answer with you!
Watch the short video for my answer…
The number one thing, and often most important, is accurate training about the generations. For example, so many people think Millennials aren’t working. However, Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce!
There is so much misinformation out there about generations. You’ve got to cut through the nonsense with accurate data and training.
The other two actions to take are in the short video. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, as always, for being with me on this journey of generational research, discovery, and keynote speaking.
Together we will unlock the potential of leaders in EVERY generation!
How can I help you solve your Millennial challenges?
I’m inspired by your interest in my mission to separate generational myth from truth through data. Learn more about my presentation Crossing the Generational Divide at Work, and please reach out if you’d like me to speak at an event you’re hosting.