Thrilled to Partner with CHA on Brand-New Workforce Research

Children’s hospitals save lives and help families. I know firsthand. This is why I was thrilled to partner on groundbreaking research with Children’s Hospital Association to uncover new data and solutions to meet their industry’s workforce needs.
The team and I at CGK collaborated with CHA’s outstanding education, research, workforce, and leadership team on a first-of-a-kind study to uncover hidden workforce trends, new solutions, and practical strategies to attract, retain, motivate, and develop different generations and diverse workforce backgrounds specifically for working in children’s hospitals.
Why was this national study so important? Children’s hospitals provide the critical care, education, purpose, and expertise that help kids and their families at their most difficult times. Our family has personally benefited from an outstanding medical team at a children’s hospital, so I know firsthand the impact and exceptional care that children’s hospitals bring to their mission every day across the U.S.
Collaborating with CHA on their national study—our second study together—allowed us to dive deeply into uncovering new data and insights not available in any other dataset, including the hidden barriers and motivations to working in a children’s hospital by generation, unexpected expectations and perceptions of working in the industry, and identifying how to bring underrepresented members of the workforce into children’s hospitals to start a rewarding career. We analyzed the data by numerous variables which revealed so many exciting discoveries!
The best part for me: I shared the findings in my keynote at the CHA National Meeting in San Antonio!!! It was a blast to share the unexpected research discoveries, data-driven strategies, and inspiring insights in a ballroom brimming with children’s hospital leaders, executives, board members, and stakeholders. The response was incredible!!
I am deeply grateful for this continued collaboration with the outstanding CHA team. The work they do saves lives, helps families, and strengthens communities. Thank you CHA for inviting me to be a part of advancing the industry’s groundbreaking workforce research and focus on delivering the best care possible.