Gen Beta is HERE! Read My Eight Predictions About Gen Beta

Generation Beta is finally here—and they are going to have very different experiences and expectations from previous generations. The first members of Gen Beta were born on January 1, 2025, and already they are garnering tremendous attention, as they should. As a generational researcher and trend explorer, the emergence of a new generation is incredibly exciting for me! I’ve already had the opportunity to share some of my insights on NBC National News in a great feature article. You can read the full article here.
What you need to know about Gen Beta based on my research leading over 140 generational studies:
- Gen Beta will come of age in a vastly different technology-driven world. They will NOT remember a time before AI. In fact, I predict they won’t even talk about AI as a “separate idea” from technology. Instead, AI will just be a part of everything they experience in the same way we no longer say to go on the “world wide web” or use “www dot” before a URL. AI will be a part of their lives from their birth. This is big!
- Gen Beta will be the first generation to experience Gen X as the elder statesman in the workplace. That’s right. Gen Beta won’t remember Baby Boomers in office or as the largest holders of wealth. Instead, Gen X will be the wealthy generation along with the Millennials who benefited from the impending great wealth transfer.
- Climate change will be an everyday challenge for Gen Beta. They will NOT remember the transition from internal combustion engines to hybrid and electric vehicles. In fact, they may never drive their own cars!!!! This is not Jetson’s thinking (for my Gen X readers) but rather the natural, continued evolution of technology.
- Covid-19 will always have been history to Gen Beta. They will hear about it from their Gen Z and Millennial parents and learn about it in their highly individualized, immersive education but it won’t be a contemporary event of any kind. The best example I provide is talking to Gen Z about 9/11 in the U.S. or explaining the JFK assassination or Watergate to Millennials. You can watch the videos and read all about it, but it’s always been history.
- Gen Beta will not remember a time before cryptocurrencies. It is likely that crypto will just be seen as another store of wealth in the same way many in Gen Z think of money today as purely digital. In fact, I gave my Gen Z daughter a $10 bill and she asked how she was supposed to get that into her phone! Gen Beta will never use a check and likely not use plastic credit cards. Their currency will be entirely digital.
- Gen Beta will likely have deeply personalized learning that adapts to them and is likely going to be completely or mostly immersive in nature. They will finally get the benefit of VR and AR as it will likely integrate directly into other areas of their life including entertainment, communication, and community experiences.
- My favorite: Gen Beta will think Gen Z is old! That’s right. They’ll think Gen Z is old and that Millennials act like grandparents because they will be!
- There is so much more about Gen Beta that I can dive into—from the future of work to living beyond 2100 and more—but the key thing to keep in mind is that Gen Beta will eventually drive the trends that older generations adopt, such as technology usage and entertainment. It is going to be exciting!
For anyone new to my research at The Center for Geneational Kinetics, or my bestselling book on Gen Z, Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business, please check out a video of my speaking here. At CGK, we view generations as clues and not a box, but the clues are research-based and incredibly valuable for giving leaders, communities, brands, and families a head start to drive faster connection, trust, and influence.
I believe the concept of a generation may go away in the traditional sense within the next 15+ years because the pace of change may increase so much that the predictability and consistency within a birth cohort might not extend over such long periods of time. As a generational researcher, speaker, and author this is a VERY exciting time to study Gen Beta, Gen Alpha, Gen Z, and every other generation as we now have six generations side by side!
For more information about my work, visit or or download our State of Gen Z annual study. If you’d like to request a media interview or speaking information, please reach out here.
Thank YOU for your interest in Gen Beta and unlocking the value of every generation!