On The Today Show(!) Talking About Gen Z And The Class of 2021 Job Outlook

I WAS ON THE TODAY SHOW!! Soooooo exciting! Please check it out. This interview was special for me because I was on The Today Show 20 years ago(!), and it helped launch my career. Since then, I’ve been on more than 200 TV interviews.
What. A. Journey.
In this interview, I shared what we’re finding when it comes to Gen Z, the Class of 2021, and their current job outlook. As you may know, many in the Class of 2021 are struggling to find jobs, yet there are significant job openings in the U.S. The mismatch is shared in a very candid way through the personal stories from Gen Z throughout the TV segment (which I did not get to see in advance).
The segment is a good window into what is happening both from the perspective of recent graduates and my speaking and consulting to help employers hire Gen Z. The segment also dives into how the Class of 2021 is not only competing with their fellow graduates for jobs but also the Class of 2020 who crashed into the early months of the pandemic, as well as older workers who are now seeking to re-enter the workforce.
Based on the latest national employment data, it is clear that the Class of 2021 is graduating from college into a much better job market this year vs. last year—dramatically so. But even with a healthier job market, many new Gen Z college graduates report that they are struggling to find work.
Much of this is due to a mismatch between the job openings available now for college graduates and what the graduates want to do or thought they’d be doing. For example, we hear a lot about college graduates wanting to work remotely, yet the jobs that are available may be in-person, or the job openings are outside the career path that the Gen Z graduates had envisioned.
For those in Gen Z who urgently want to find a job, they may need to consider getting a job or launching their career outside of their industry of choice. If they are willing to consider other industries, job roles, or potentially (gulp!) moving to a faster-growing community, there are jobs to be had.
On the flip side, employers are finally realizing that if they want to appeal to Gen Z as employees, they must adapt their traditional recruiting strategies to meet this generation where they are—from posting on TikTok to being more flexible with scheduling. If you want to learn more about Gen Z and exactly how to make the most of their talent as employees, please check out my latest bestselling book, Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business—and What To Do About It. In Zconomy, I share numerous free and fast ways to unlock the potential of Gen Z in your recruiting, hiring, and employee retention.
In addition to approaching recruiting differently, employers are often surprised to learn that Gen Z—even though they’re young—is interested in more than just wages or job title, but employee benefits. Yes, employee benefits. I’ve been talking about this for the last few years.
Gen Z saw firsthand how the Great Recession impacted their parents. As a result, Gen Z is interested in getting on solid financial footing as soon as possible. In some cases, we’re even finding that great employee benefits are more important than a “cool” job or work perks. These desired benefits range from retirement matching to pet insurance. Interest in retirement and insurance might seem unusual given the youthfulness of Gen Z, but it aligns with the research we’ve been leading about the generation for many years in our State of Gen Z® study.
Without question, the pandemic has put a new lens on how Gen Z thinks about their future, from education and living arrangements to work and personal finances. One key first step for Gen Z will be navigating their entry into the workforce as they seek to expand their independence as emerging adults and trendsetters. As you can imagine, this is an exciting time for our work studying Gen Z!
Please take a moment to watch The Today Show interview video. I think you’ll enjoy it.
Thanks again for being on this journey with me. It may have taken me 20 years to get invited back on The Today Show, but it was worth it!