NEW Speech Lift Off! 4x Repeat Client Hears my New Presentation!

Exciting news! I just delivered my brand-new presentation to a 4x repeat keynote client. What was the result…?! As you may know, I’ve been working on the research and strategy behind my new Crossing the Leadership Divide speech for several years now. I love my generations work, but it’s only one part of the larger research I’m leading at the intersection of performance-driven leadership, hidden mindsets, sales growth, and organizational culture. Yep, all those are directly connected, whether someone is a CEO, leading operations, or responsible for driving revenue growth.
For the past two years, I’ve been researching, testing, and integrating different elements and pillars of this new keynote into my speeches. But I’ve never given the full keynote presentation—until this past week in Miami. Why now? Because the awesome group of executives and leaders I was speaking to from across the US had previously brought me to keynote their national event three different times. That’s right, this was my FOURTH time headlining their conference for them! So, it was a perfect audience to take the leap and deliver my all-new Crossing the Leadership Divide keynote.
What happened????
I delivered the full one-hour keynote with no slides. Zero. Nada. Not a single slide. Why? Because I believe to master content you have to know it, own it, improv based on the audience’s response, and weave it throughout the conversation. So, I did. The entire program was interactive, provocative, and wildly fun (for me, too!).
I challenged a LOT of leadership “truths” that are, well, not actually true. I shared the hidden elements that most influence workplace culture and what unexpectedly inspires team accountability, engagement, and measurable outcomes at *all* levels. The best part: It was based on my 100+ research studies and data shared by our clients from around the world.
And…drum roll, please…the end result?
After hearing me speak for the fourth time, the audience of leaders and executives whom I deeply respect gave me a…standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It. Was. Incredible.
I’m so fired up by the response to my keynote that I’m already working on a new national study and possibly a book that I know will dive into all the new discoveries, solutions, and outcomes.
I’m grateful for my client trusting me to “Deliver whatever you think we need to hear” and letting me run with it. No demo video. No speech outline. Just the trust of a repeat client with a sophisticated audience who believes that great insights and practical strategies can lead to big results.
I’m inspired by this client and my 750+ other clients along the way that have helped me by sharing their data, collaborating on research studies, contributing their best practices for analysis, and going with me on our journey of discovery.
Most of all, I’m excited to deliver my new Crossing the Leadership Divide keynote for audiences around the world! If you’ve read this blog post, would you like to benefit my new keynote? If so, reach out! I’d love to visit with you about the presentation and customize it just for you. Fired up!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing so many more audiences benefit from these insights and practical strategies.